The Trinity – Where is the vision to back it up?
Very prominent within the institutions of professed Christianity is the concept of the Trinity which declares that God is One, yet three Persons. Belief in the Trinity is a pre-requisite for membership in the World Council of Churches (WCC), as stated on their official website as the Basis of the WCC. The Basis of the WCC, adopted by the ThirdRead the rest of this page »
Why we should worship Jesus

As Christians, we worship Jesus and so we should. But why should we worship Jesus? The answer might seem obvious, but it is not as obvious as one might be inclined to think. We should worship Jesus for the right reason. If we worship Jesus for the wrong reason, we may also give worship where it does not belong, forRead the rest of this page »
Opening of the Seven Seals

Following on our earlier presentation, “Seals opened in context of the judgement”, in which we showed that the Seven Seals are opened after the judgement is convened, and we considered the opening of the first seal, we now consider the opening of the remaining seals. Before we do, just a word as to why study and present this matter currently. Read the rest of this page »
Seals opened in context of the judgement

There is an inescapable parallel between the setting of Revelation chapters 4 and 5, in which the seals are opened, and the judgement scene of Daniel chapter 7. We’ll consider some of the parallel elements and the implications for the present time, but before we do so, the following word of admonition is most instructive: “Study Revelation in connection withRead the rest of this page »
The Three Angels’ Messages and the Seven Churches

While it is true that the Three Angels’ Messages contain truth of a general nature – for example, “worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters” – it is also important to note that the vision of three angels flying one after the other, represents a sequence of prophesied events. These events wereRead the rest of this page »
Intolerance Rearing Its Ugly Head

The world is going through unprecedented times that call for wisdom, courage and most importantly righteousness. Unfortunately, in seeking to address the present scourge that the world is experiencing, a growing spirit of intolerance is rearing its ugly head, resulting in actions that are not only unwise but unrighteous. Let it be understood at the outset that this presentation isRead the rest of this page »
The Mark of his Name

The concept of the Mark of the beast, a biblical concept, is well known, even though, many persons will admit that it is a mystery to them as to what that mark is. What is less considered is that the Bible, in speaking of this mysterious mark, mentions not only the Mark of the Beast but also the Name ofRead the rest of this page »
Religious Liberty and Church Unity

The most fundamental principle of the New Covenant is religious liberty or freedom of conscience. Under the Old Covenant, God’s Moral Law as contained in the Ten Commandments, along with the Statutes and Judgements that amplified and clarified the finer principles contained in the Law, were administered externally by the Mosaic System. Under the New Covenant, the Law is written,Read the rest of this page »
If Jesus, Why not Sanctuary Cleansing?

The exact year when Jesus was anointed as the Messiah was foretold by the prophet Daniel – “Know therefore and understand that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks and threescore and two weeks” (Dan. 9:25). That is, seven weeks plus sixty-two weeks, which is sixty-nineRead the rest of this page »
The Great Controversy An Information War

Most people are aware that there is a controversy between good and evil in the world. But who are the contending parties? What are the issues? And how will it end? The contenders It is generally accepted that God is good and that the enemy who is behind evil is Satan. The Bible describes a part of the conflict inRead the rest of this page »
The real Jesus and how He conquered

To ask the question, “Who is Jesus and what has He done?” might evoke an answer such as, “Jesus is Lord and He saved us from our sins”. But what do these things really mean? When asked by Jesus, “Who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matt. 16:16). Read the rest of this page »
Jesus Christ, now Mediator, soon to be King

The Bible refers to Jesus Christ as the Son of God – a true offspring, like a prince, dearly beloved by God, His Father. God sent Him into the world, that through Him, we might be saved – “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, butRead the rest of this page »
Love of religious establishment above truth

One of the saddest and most awful occurrences in human history occurred nearly two thousand years ago when the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was brutally and mercilessly killed by those who professed to be the chosen people of God. Every well-thinking person would do well to seek an explanation for such an awful paradox, lest ignorance and lack ofRead the rest of this page »
Father, Son and Holy Spirit – Do They Make a Trinity?

What is at Stake It is popularly assumed that Father, Son and Holy Ghost make a Trinity; further, that the Trinity concept is difficult to explain but should be accepted by faith. But, does the supposed difficulty in explaining it really expose us to embracing questionable ideas that could be detrimental to accept? First of all, what is the TrinityRead the rest of this page »
If you want the Holy Spirit….

Jesus tells us what to do if we want the Holy Spirit – ask the One who sends the Holy Spirit: “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children: how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” (Luke 11:13). When Jesus wanted His disciples to haveRead the rest of this page »